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Wooden Bookshelves

Sale Dates

Thursdays from 4pm-7pm

Saturdays from 10:15am-12:45pm

Hey There

Friends of the Library obtain their funds from used books that are donated by the community and sold at bi-weekly sales. Some of the accomplishments of the F.O.L - they help financially support the Summer Reading Programs, purchase items for the library, and providing refreshments for programs, and help with special projects. 

Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library Genre Sale

The FOL will have a sale the first Saturday of each month starting October 2, which will feature romance and religious books. Buy one of these types of books and get second one free! Sale will be in friends room at Kathleen Lute Public Library from 10:15am-12:45pm.

Normal book sale hours for FOL are Thursdays from 4pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10:15am-12:45pm. All types of books are available and any child attending a sale will be given a book to add to his/her home library

History of the Friends

A handful of people sharing a common interest in libraries, reading, literacy and technology met March 30, 1991 at the Goodall City Library and formed the Friends of the Library.

In 1992, the F.O.L was established as a committee, at their first meeting, the F.O.L agreed they wanted a loosely structured organization with minimum of meeting. They also spearheaded a used book sale that was held during Ogallala's Indian Rendezvous. This evolved into the F.O.Ls' annual money-raising project.

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610 W A St. Ogallala, NE 69153, USA

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